Thanks to everyone who joined my workshop, “Power is NOT a 4 Letter Word” yesterday at the Utah – Davis and Morgan Entrepreneurs Growth Meeting hosted by Davis Tech Business Resource Center. The Entrepreneurs Growth Meeting is sponsored by the Kaysville, Utah SBDC and supported by VentureWrench.
Many entrepreneurs make big mistakes because they don’t understand that every organization, and the people in the organization are affected by power. And if power is poorly understand, and managed, then the organization and all the people in it will suffer.That’s why I say, Power is NOT a 4 Letter Word. My model of the types of power includes 3 different types of power, Organizational Power, Knowledge Power and, my personal favorite, Personal Power. In the workshop discussed each type of power and how to use it wisely and to make sure others in your organization use power wisely too.
We had a very thoughtful discussion about wisely using power in organizations. One founder explained that he felt he could use these principles of wisely using power to better understand his team and employees. But he also wanted advice on ways to asses his own behavior. We discussed the value of awareness of the 3 types of power when evaluating interactions and meetings that he participated in. We also discussed times when a CEO or entrepreneur coach could provide valuable insights and identify opportunities for improvements.
Another founder confirmed the problem of newly promoted mangers who resort to using only organizational power rather than more productive t
ypes of power and we discussed the opportunity to coach managers at all layers of the organization to better understand and wisely use power.
And, we may have been talking about a serious topic, but we had fun too – this serious CEO is also a TikTok star!