Every business needs capital, to operate, to grow or to take advantage of new opportunities and ideas. As a fellow…
A few years ago a VC I knew said that VCs were like 6 year old soccer players, they were…
Listening in on some VCs who were answering questions from interested entrepreneurs, one question was “what’s the worst pitch you’ve…
I was listening to a couple of VC’s talk the other day and one of them talked about their favorite…
Accelerators have become the “new new” thing in startup-land. The idea is that an accelerator will, well, accelerate a startup’s…
Nicole says,”Raising money is the negotiation of a lifetime, are you ready?” At VentureWrench, we want entrepreneurs to be as…
I was talking with an entrepreneur who was lamenting that raising capital was “taking too long”. In fact this entrepreneur…
Crowdfunding for equity – I still say “just say no”, especially to raising funds from unaccredited investors*, but there can…
Early in 2019, word came that Sweethearts conversation hearts, the Valentine’s day classic, would not be available for this year’s…
I was at a recent conference and I met an employee of a recently acquired company. The acquirer was one…