InvestorFind™ is a Unique, Curated Database of Startup Investors Designed to Help Entrepreneurs Quickly Find Their “Perfect Investors™” We are…
These days, every company is a technology company in some way. Perhaps your product or service is a true technology…
Scaling is an important issue. Obviously in order to have a successful business, the business has to grow to at…
Why Startups Die #6: Run out of cash after raising capital There’s a lot to understand about how Venture Capital…
A Startup that can’t raise enough capital or find investors. Well, this one is sort of obvious and sort of…
I was talking to the CEO of a fast growing SAAS startup. He related to me that he had been…
10 Reasons Startups Die – #3 Founder Issues and Conflict I got an email from one of our VentureWrench entrepreneurs…
As I said earlier, most startups die for pretty well understood reasons. In this series of posts, we will discuss…
I’ve come up with a list of reasons that Startups fail (see the list below), and this week we are…
A fellow entrepreneur* was asked by a VC “Why do most startups fail?” My friend, already a very experienced executive,…